L-R: Front row: Josie Mijares, Ivan Parejas, Caitlin Pornela (flute), Shane Bankien (violin)
Second row: Chatty Pornela, Anne Bannatyne, Julia Finnigan
Third row: Annemarie Kerridge (conductor), Lillian Phua, Miriam Hipolito
Fourth row: Margaret Wong, Sushila Fernandes, Gayle Mills, Michael Kerridge, Marina Tu’inukuafe
Fifth row: Peyton Jacinto, Marlene Parejas, Reena Fernandes, Sera Vito, Irene Martin, Cicily Bankien
Organ: Judith Fullerton
Absent : John Fullerton, Chantal George, Serena Raposo, Helen Bennett, Ani Fangupo
Centennial Mass Celebration - 11th October 2022 with Mons. Bernard Kiely (Celebrant), Fr. Rob O'Brien (Parish Priest), Fr. Tony O'Connor, and parishioners.
Over 50s Coffee Group Meeting 20th November 2019.
Fr Rob and our parishioners with Bishop Pat at his Silver Jubilee - 27th July 2019