Epsom Parish Ministries
The Parish Library is open for all parishioners to borrow books from a wide range, free of charge. The Library is located at the back of the church and the books are issued for a recommended four week loan period. Please remember to use the log book on the shelf for self-check-out.
Enquiries to:
Mary Van Wijk (Ph: 09 625-5163).
Rosary Group
The Rosary Group meets weekly on a Monday morning (excluding school holidays) at 9.10am in the Church.
Enquiries to:
Deborah Railey (PH: 09 625 8466)
The Mothers Prayer Group
The Epsom Mothers Prayer Group meets every Thursday at the Mercy Spirituality Centre chapel at 7pm. The Mothers Prayers Movement first started in England in November 1995 and has spread rapidly throughout the world in over 100 Countries. There are now thousands of mothers groups praying for their children around the world. The knowledge that we can bring all the pain and the worries we have for our children to Him and implicitly believe in His words 'Ask and you will receive' is our driving force. Through this promise, we know that the Lord is just waiting to take away pain and to bless and heal us and our children when we come to Him in Faith. We have indeed been blessed and have experienced a great peace since we began praying together. All are welcome to join.
Enquiries to:
Suchi Lewis (Mob. 027 375 3474)
Youth Group (currently on pause)
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish is committed to enhancing our young people’s understanding of the faith and supporting their developing relationship with God. If you are in Year 5 and above, please come along to our monthly meetings 5-6.30pm in the Community Room for an afternoon of prayer, games and pizza. For meeting dates and enquiries, contact our youth group leaders:
Rebecca Brimble (E: rbrimble@windowslive.com)
Folole Fangupo (PH: 09 625-3907)
Parish Council
The Parish Pastoral Council has the responsibility of planning and implementing the ministries and services offered by the parish. The members are either nominated by the parishioners or are representatives of authorised standing committees.
CHAIRPERSON: Daniel Bundy Ph: 0274 870 711
Osmitta Francis ( Secretary ) ..... Ph: 09 624 4593
Mary Ann Todd...Ph: 021-2882850
Shee Chow....Ph: 09 523 0685
Louisa Rani...Ph: 027 180 00 646
The Parish Council meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, in the Community Room, at 7:30pm.
Legion of Mary
Meetings are held each Monday evening at 6.30pm in the church foyer for one hour. If you would like to pray the Rosary, undertake a little charity work and 'grow your faith' with some new friends, you are most welcome to join this group.
Contact :
Louise Valladares (Ph: 021-863454)
Anne-Marie Kerridge (Ph: 09-625-8897)
Legion of Mary Annual Report 2022: Read here.
Food Bank
The Society of St Vincent de Paul provides food assistance to the needy through various ways: Food Parcels, Food for Schools, Homeless Food Project, etc. They rely very much on FOODBANK donations. If you would like to help, donations of non-perishable food items may be left in the FOODBANK box provided in the church foyer.
Church Care
Altar Care
Composed of two groups: one who care for the Sanctuary and the other for the Altar Linen.
Enquiries and roster:
Chatty Pornela (Ph: 09 630-3956)
Altar Servers
Our Altar Servers are boys and girls from Year 5 upwards (after they have received the Sacrament of First Communion). They assist at parish liturgies, as required.
Enquiries and roster email:
Shalini Thewarapperuma (shalinicyril@gmail.com)
On a rostered basis, group of volunteers set up and care for floral arrangements in the church. Donations of flowers are always very welcome.
Enquiries and roster:
Chatty Pornela (Ph: 09 630-3956)
Our Parish Hall is administered by a Hall Committee which is associated with our Finance Committee.
Parishioners, parish groups, and outside groups may use our parish hall.
For bookings:
Chatty Pornela (Ph: 09-630-3956)
Children's Liturgy
This takes place at the 10.00am Mass during the school year. It is suitable for all children aged 3 and over who have not yet made their first Holy Communion. Very young children under this age do not have the maturity to participate in this liturgy independently and it is preferred that these younger children remain with their parents in Mass. Parents are asked to consider being placed on a roster to help the programme along especially if interested in being present at the liturgy. This would mean being available approximately once per term.
Louisa Rani (Mob. 027 180 00 646)
Ministers to the Sick and Elderly
Those confined to their own homes or who reside in nursing/retirement homes within Epsom Parish, receive the Blessed Sacrament and regular visiting from a devoted team in the Parish.
St James wrote in his letter to the Jews, "If one of you is ill, you should send for the elders of the church, and they must anoint you with oil in the name of the Lord and pray over you." (James 5:15)
Enquiries to Presbytery Ph: 09 630-3956
The Parish Finance Committee, with the Parish Priest as president, has the responsibility for managing the finances and properties of the parish.
The members are appointed by the Parish Priest.
Chairman: Shee Chow PH: 09 523 0685
Music and Choir
This Group provides the sound accompaniment for the Eucharistic Mass each week with special emphasis on the Church's main calendar requirements.
Music Director and Roster:
Annemarie Kerridge (Ph: 09 6258897)
19 Banff Avenue, Epsom, Auckland
P.O. Box 29-066, Epsom, Auckland 1344
Ph: 09 638-6200
Fax: 09 638-9937
Email: admin@olsh.school.nz
For enquiries contact the Principal (Email: principal@olsh.school.nz)
School Board of Trustees
The role of the Board is to govern our school on behalf of the proprietor, the Bishop of Auckland. In carrying out this responsibility the Board also fulfills a responsibility to the community which has provided the school and to the community which continues to be served by the school.
Enquires to:
Richard Pearce - Chairperson (Ph: 09 634-0596)